Benefits of Heating Maintenance

Prior to the start of winter, regular heater maintenance in Mesa, AZ, is essential to ensure your system works properly and will not suffer any breakdowns. There are several key benefits to having your system maintained, including avoiding the need for furnace installation in Mesa. We’ve listed the benefits of regular maintenance to consider here.

Benefits From Regular Heating System Maintenance

• Improved Safety

A broken heating system can lead to more significant dangers to the safety of your home. For instance, a heat pump that isn’t in good condition is much more likely to experience an air leak. Also, an unmaintained furnace could be at the chance of developing a crack inside the heat exchanger.

However, if you regularly call an expert for heater maintenance in Mesa, AZ, your system has a lower chance of experiencing emergency repair requirements.

• Stop Major Breakdowns

A heater maintenance technician in Mesa, AZ, checks the main parts of your system for wear and tear and helps prevent significant issues from developing. In most cases, technicians detect corrosion in loose and degrading parts.

Many homeowners wait until they reach the midpoint of their usage season or a breakdown to fix or keep their systems in good condition. If you are prepared, it can prevent costly failures that could impact several elements in your HVAC.

• Prevent Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide is the result of fuel that is not fully burning. In high quantities, the colorless, odorless gas could deprive the body of oxygen and lead to increased consciousness and flu symptoms.

Long-term exposure to it could even be fatal. In a furnace inspection, an HVAC professional will inspect the furnace to find leaks, make repairs, and ensure that the waste products are correctly discharged from the chimney.

• Better Efficiency

The overall effectiveness of your heating system is contingent on how well-maintained the heating system is. If your heater is not maintained correctly, it will require more energy to warm your home and, in turn, consume more energy.

But it is important to regularly adjust your heating system to eliminate issues such as a blocked filter or broken parts. The heater will require less energy and be more efficient. Additionally, you will pay less for electricity bills and save money.

• Optimized System Longevity

The components of a properly maintained heating and cooling in Mesa, AZ, are in good condition and well-lubricated. There is less strain and wear on the heater as a result. This allows the system to last longer. If you plan regular maintenance on your heating system, you’ll enjoy the benefits of an efficient heating system that works well. Families will not just be cozy; they will also be safe and healthy.

• Improve Indoor Air Quality

Air filters in heating and cooling devices in Mesa, AZ, trap pollutants from the air and block them from moving through your home. That’s why air filters must be maintained or cleaned regularly. It could also hinder airflow and put more strain on your furnace, resulting in greater fuel consumption.

Preventive maintenance, which involves an annual furnace and boiler tune-up by Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating, is essential to keep your heating system operating efficiently and your overall energy cost affordable. Contact us at (480) 695-7834 or email us for furnace repair in Mesa, AZ by a qualified expert!

Ways to Increase Your Heater’s Lifespan

The average furnace runs for about 15 years. Some have even managed to get 30 years from their heaters! While that is a lengthy time, it’s usual for homeowners to change their heating and cooling devices in Mesa, AZ, before they get to this point. This is primarily due to the absence of regular maintenance and care.

With regular professional services, it is possible to have the maximum life of your heating unit.

Tips To Increase the Lifespan of Your Heater

• Manage Regular Furnace Maintenance.

If you only do one with your furnace system, you should ensure that it gets a thorough tune-up every year in the fall. Preventive maintenance is always the primary indicator of how long your furnace will last.

A well-maintained furnace will perform better than a dirty one, saving you money. A clean furnace can also enhance the air quality in your home and make your home more healthy.

• Do Not Ignore Minor Furnace Issues.

During maintenance, your technician will identify possible problems with your furnace. If you put off the heater repair in Mesa to fix the issue, it will only get much worse, and you’ll find that your heating system is more likely to give up prematurely.

• Keep Air Filters Clean.

Filters are your furnace’s initial protection against grunge, dirt, and other foreign agents. In most cases, the filters of your heating and cooling in Mesa, AZ, should be changed every 6 to 12 months. Filters require replacement if it is difficult to see any light through the buildup.

• Install A Smart Thermostat.

If you’re out of the home each day for nine hours and your heater is still running at full speed, it’s working too hard. This may lead to additional furnace repair, costing you more energy bills in Mesa, AZ. It’s easy to forget to set the thermostat before going out.

However, a thermostat with a programmable feature will take care of that. Reducing the temperature by just a few degrees each day can reduce your monthly energy bills by a substantial amount.

• Clean And Seal Ductwork.

American homes usually lose as much as 30% cooled and heated air through ductwork breaks. Dust and dirt accumulate in ducts and can cause obstructions that cause your furnace to overwork, requiring emergency furnace repair in Mesa, AZ, more frequently than needed. Airflow obstructions and leaky ductwork will not only pollute your indoor air but also raise your energy costs.

• Do Not Ignore Attic Insulation.

You can reduce the load on your heating system by insulating your home. Attic insulation can make the most of the warmth produced by the furnace by keeping it in the place it is needed. As a result, your furnace will have less burden, and your home will remain warm during winter.

Useful Resources: Heater Repair in Mesa AZ | Heater Maintenance in Mesa AZ

These tips will prolong the lifespan of your heating system. If your heating system is damaged or requires heater repair in Mesa, our trained technicians at Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating are ready to assist. Do you need your heating system to undergo repair, maintenance, or replacement? Contact us at (480) 695-7834 or leave an email now.

Six Most Common HVAC Issues

This article explains the most simple problems that might arise in the HVAC system and tricks to prevent them from the beginning. 

What are the Common Problems That Develop Inside the HVAC System?

We have made a list of all the problems with their solution to help and boost the AC services’ efficiency: 

• Uneven Airflow and Temperature

A gap in the duct system or loose pipe fittings in the network can lead to such problems. 

Moreover, air filters accumulated with dust can also cause such problems. The simple solution is to replace the air filter and keep a check on the duct system. If there is a small hole in the pipe, the tape should fix the issue, but call Chandler air conditioning repair if it is more than a small hole. 

• Malfunctioning Thermostat

Check the thermostat batteries before replacing the thermostat with a new modern and smart thermostat available on the market. A programmable thermostat helps keep track of all the activities and notifies you about humidity or air quality levels issues. 

• Heat Pump Issues

Icy winds and snowfall may affect the working of HVAC systems which is why covering and protecting them is essential. It may be costly, but it prevents expensive repairs or emergency breakdowns. Also, keep the frost away from the components, which can affect their quality.

• Frozen Pipes

Ice starts forming on the AC and heating equipment due to evaporator malfunction. The refrigerant leak may be the cause of ice formation on the pipes.

• Dirty Air Filters

Dirty and dusty air filters block the air passage, and the components like the compressor and condenser do not get enough air to proceed with the cooling process. As a result, it increases the chances of a complete breakdown in the worst case and compressor failure.

• Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide leaks are dangerous to your family’s health and security. The carbon monoxide (CO) gas is a by-product of the cooling process, and it exits the residence premises from the flue vent. Call the AC repair Gilbert AZ, immediately if you can sense a rotten egg smell.

How to Prevent all the Issues and Protect the AC System from Repair Issues?

  • Schedule the AC maintenance service for heating and cooling equipment before the season commences.
  • Replace the air filter during the season and clean the filter when the season ends.
  • Covering the air conditioning Mesa AZ system outdoor unit has harsh weather that may hamper the essential AC components.
  • It is better to avoid using the HVAC systems at extreme temperatures to provide more comfort and relief.
  • Check the condensate drains and condensate pan for any significant blockage or damaged sign, and call the services to prevent it from becoming a massive problem in the longer run.

If you find any issues in your AC or heating system, call the technicians performing heating and air conditioning repair in Mesa AZ, before the peak season for affordable rates.
Sharp Air Conditioning and Heating professionals are always at your service for all seasons. Call (480)-695-7834 today!

Why is my air conditioner blowing hot air?

Why is my air conditioner blowing hot air

My Air Conditioner is Blowing hot air… what’s going on?

Another typical call at Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating is someone calling in to say their air conditioner is blowing hot air. It is even worse. We also offer services of AC repair in Gilbert.

Then if it was not blowing any air at all, especially when it’s hot enough outside without a heater blowing inside too! Below are a few common reasons for this “hot problem” and what you might be able to do to fix it.

Refrigerant Issues

Your unit’s refrigerant levels may be low if your air conditioner spews warm air. Unfortunately, this often means that your system has a refrigerant leak! If that’s the case, your air conditioner will keep running and blast heated air to match the thermostat setting.

Sometimes your system can develop a leak in the refrigerant lines and cause a prolonged leak that can reduce the amount of refrigerant in your system. Your AC system needs to have a proper “charge,” or amount, of refrigerant to operate correctly.

A few telltale signs of a refrigerant leak could be ice forming anywhere on your system, or you might even see an oily substance on your outside unit. If you see any of these signs, give Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating a call for heating and cooling Mesa AZ, and we will send a professional out. It is usually an inexpensive repair if your system is low on refrigerant.

A Clogged Air Filter

We will keep saying it repeatedly, but clogged air filters are the number one culprits for many HVAC issues. While a dirty filter might not be the sole reason your air conditioner is blowing hot, it can significantly restrict airflow.
Changing your filters can be one of the most uncomplicated maintenance issues you perform on your home; it’s all about remembering to do so. Changing dirty filters should be at the top of your maintenance list with the dust storms we get in Phoenix and the surrounding Arizona desert. Change those filters! Call us for an air filter change service.

Check Thermostat Settings

Every now and then, we get a call that we fix over the phone. Usually, the root of the problem is someone has unknowingly changed the settings on their thermostat. It can be as simple as forgetting to change over to “cool” in the spring, or the system may just have the fan on. Checking your thermostat settings before calling in an AC issue can save you time and hassle.

Condenser/Outdoor Unit

Another common issue that we get called out on is that it seems the inside fan is blowing, but the outdoor unit, also known as a condenser, does not seem to be on. The first thing to do, as a homeowner, is to check to see that the unit has power or that a breaker has not been tripped. Simply making sure the breaker is in the “ON” position can fix your issues.

Another easy fix to look for is to clear debris from your condenser. If you can see dirt and leaves and other “stuff” stuck to the sides, this will restrict your system, and it will have a hard time cooling. Again, with the Haboobs that we get here in Phoenix, Mesa, and the entire valley, dirt can build up very quickly, so a quick check can save you discomfort when you need the AC the most. When do you require air conditioning Chandler AZ?

For the best HVAC solution, contact Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating for air conditioning repair Mesa at 480-695-7834.

Winter Heating Maintenance Tips

It’s essential to ensure that your heating system is in good working order. An efficient heating system that is maintained will operate more efficiently and will save cash on your energy bills.

Heating maintenance tips for winter.

Check if Your Thermostat is Working Correctly.

If your thermostat isn’t operating correctly, the furnace won’t be functioning in the way it is supposed to. The dirt and incorrect calibration could adversely affect the thermostat’s performance. To ensure that the calibration is correct for your thermostat, get in touch with a technician for furnace repair in Mesa, AZ.

Examine for Air Leaks.

It is vital to change your air filters regularly during heating maintenance in Mesa, AZ. Air filters help keep indoor air quality in good shape and aid in avoiding airborne illness and allergens.

However, as they accumulate dust and dirt, not only will their capacity to cleanse the air decrease, but your furnace will also need to be more efficient in pushing and drawing in air from the filter. It will mean higher energy costs and lower temperatures in your house.

Control the Valve.

The majority of furnaces have the control valve due to security reasons. If you notice that your furnace isn’t making heat, then this should be an ideal place you should investigate. Verify that the valve is set to the on position and that gas can enter the furnace. Call a professional for heat pump repair in Mesa, AZ, area.

Clean your Furnace Regularly.

A dirty furnace will not generate heat as effectively as one with a clean surface, and the dirtier the furnace becomes, the greater chance there is of a component failing. Keep your furnace clean and well-maintained to lower your heating and energy costs. If unsure what components need to be cleaned, begin with the blower, filter system, and motor or call for heater maintenance in Mesa, AZ.

Reasons stating never to ignore timely heating maintenance.

To Prevent Costly Repairs:

If an expert inspects and maintains your furnace frequently, they can spot any issues before they become serious.

For Better Effectiveness:

The furnace needs to work harder if it’s not maintained correctly. It means that it’ll consume more energy and your electric costs will increase.

To Extend the Lifespan of Your Furnace:

Regular maintenance on your heating system will extend the lifespan of your furnace for years.

Protect Yourself:

If there is a problem with heating equipment, this may expose your family to danger. Call a professional for heat pump repair in Mesa.

To Improve Indoor Air Quality:

If your furnace is not maintained correctly, it could result in low-quality indoor air. It could lead to respiratory problems for your family and you.

For expert assistance and guidance in heating, furnace and heat pump repair; contact Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating today for a thorough inspection and affordable services. Call us at (480) 695-7834 or email us to get high-quality, expert furnace repair in Mesa, AZ.

Be nice to your unit! Easy Do-it-Yourself HVAC Maintenance Tips

We all do it, no matter how often we are reminded not to. Unfortunately, for many reasons, from cost to lack of time, homeowners wait until after something breaks before they call a professional to their home to tackle a repair. While this approach may make sense for some major home appliances like your refrigerator, it is a grave misstep when it comes to your HVAC system.

HVAC systems control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in your home (thus the acronym HVAC), which is a critical part of your home’s year-round comfort. We rely on these systems throughout the entire year, and when a component fails or breaks down, it can throw your home into upheaval. Not only do your schedule, comfort, and lifestyle become affected by a malfunctioning unit, but it can also cost you financially.

Regular HVAC maintenance is not only good for your home and wallet, but it is also the smart way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your HVAC unit and extend its life in the process. Contact Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating, LLC for HVAC maintenance and air conditioning repair Mesa.

There are several times each year that you should be maintaining your HVAC unit, and those are: immediately, monthly, seasonally, and annually. By breaking down your HVAC maintenance several times throughout the year, you can be certain that your HVAC system is running perfectly so you can depend on it to work when you need it most.


Immediate maintenance includes ensuring that you have a clean and adequately sized and pleated air filter inside of your A/C unit and keeping your outdoor unit free of debris, and leaving build-up that can become lodged inside of the unit or interfere with the fan.


Every month, perform a visual inspection of your refrigerant lines and look for signs of leaks or damage. If you see something out of the ordinary, Contact the specialist of air conditioning Chandler AZ, to make any necessary repairs.


Air filters do an incredible job of keeping your HVAC unit clean and keeping unwanted particles, dust, pollens, and other debris from entering your air conditioning system. Still, they need to be changed at least every 90 days. For optimum air quality, it is recommended that air filters are changed monthly. If you want to know more about air filter and AC repair Gilbert.


It is a good idea to inspect the area around your HVAC unit and ensure that the ground is level and that there are no indications of the ground sinking or sloping. To prevent algae and debris build-up in the condensate drain line, pour 1 cup of bleach and 3 cups of water down the tube.

Useful Resources: Heater Repair in Mesa AZ | Heater Maintenance in Mesa AZ

Renewing your HVAC maintenance program is essential to ensuring your system is running perfectly all year long, so be sure to mark your calendars so you can stay on top of your maintenance program renewal. In addition, a regular maintenance inspection protects your HVAC unit by preventing minor issues from becoming big (and expensive) headaches down the line.

When an air conditioning and a heating specialist perform a routine maintenance check, they will tune up your unit and inspect and clean various integral parts of the HVAC system to catch minor problems, from leaks to wear to build-up, which, if not caught early, can lead to costly repairs and even system failure down the line. We also offer the services of heating and cooling Mesa AZ. Contact us to schedule a service.

Why Does My Furnace Not Produce Heat When It Blows Cold Air?

Do you find it strange when your furnace system produces cold air in winter instead of blowing warm air? This means your heating system requires a furnace repair in Mesa, AZ because the problem needs immediate technician attention.

Mostly, dirty air filters are the reason why your furnace heating systems start blowing cold air. If you have tried replacing the air filter and it does not seem to work, then let’s find out more reasons what could cause the issue and how to resolve the problem quickly.

The Five Reasons that Make Your Furnace System Deliver Cool Air Instead of Warm Air

The Five Reasons that Make Your Furnace System Deliver Cool Air Instead of Warm Air.

According to the experts at heating and cooling in Mesa, AZ, here are the five reasons why your furnace system is inappropriately functioning:

Overheating Issues

Check the outdoor unit to check whether your system works even if the thermostat is on. If you cannot hear the processing noise, the system is shut down by the safety mechanism. Call the furnace installation in Mesa, AZ, and the technician will instruct you on how to switch on the system.

Blocked Condensate Drain Pipe

A clogged condensate drain stops the combustion process. You can clean the drain with the help of a long, soft, bristle brush. Ensure to switch off the system before you start the cleaning process.

Pilot Light Malfunctioning

If you have an old model of a furnace system, then fluctuating pilot lights could be a problem. Old furnace models have a pilot light on continually from the gas supply line. The fault could be in the light or thermocouple. Consult a technician and schedule an appointment to check out the issue.

Leaky Air Ducts

Air ducts connect to the outdoor unit and the indoor air handler to transport the air. However, if there is a massive gap or hole in the duct system, the air escapes away in the air, and you receive cold air at the other end. You should check the duct system for irregularity and fix it to solve the issue.

Issues With the Gas Supply

There is an issue with the gas supply or gas valve, and the furnace does not get sufficient fuel to continue the combustion process. Maybe the problem is with the gas supply connection if you see the pilot light is not burning. Call furnace repair in Mesa, AZ, to replace the gas valve and pipe.

How To Decide Between Furnace Repair Or Replacement?

A replacement option is best for systems that are more than ten years old. Our experts in heating and cooling in Mesa, AZ, suggest replacing your old furnace system if the repair is approximately 50% of the replacement cost. Here are some signs that indicate that it is better to invest in a new heating system:

• Loud and alarming noises while working.
• Take time to heat the surroundings.
• Short cycling issues and inefficient services.
• Increased upkeep and electricity costs.

Hire Technicians To Resolve The Issue.

Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating technicians will find an effective and permanent solution to repair your furnace system. Our technicians have spent several years fixing malfunctioning systems, so we will quickly find a solution to your problems. Call (480)-695-7834 and explain your issues to our furnace repair team in Mesa, AZ.

How an AC Tune-Up Can Prevent Failures?

All kinds of machinery operate better and survive longer with the help of preventive maintenance. Better performance and a longer lifespan for central air conditioners give homeowners double the savings.

An AC tune-up is essential for several reasons, including the advantages of a well-maintained AC unit, which include protecting the environment, enhancing interior air quality, and preventing the Chandler air conditioning repair.

What is Included in an AC Tune-Up?

Your air conditioning system gets a yearly physical with an annual AC tune-up. An HVAC expert will perform a visual assessment to ensure that the air conditioning unit is “healthy” and running well. The checklist should include:

• Examine the evaporator coil.
• Primary and secondary drain pipes that remove condensation should be kept clean.
• Clean and inspect the condenser coil.
• Check the condenser fan’s functionality.
• To ensure proper refrigerant charge, check operational pressures.
• Check the airflow in the ducts.
• Observe the cooling cycle and make any adjustments to the blower parts
• As needed, replace the air filter.
• If necessary, lubricate all working parts.
• Keep track of the voltage and amperage used by each motor.
• Verify and secure all slack electrical connections.
• Cleaned and adjusted the thermostat as necessary.

Methods of An AC Tune-Up Prevent Malfunctions.

• A well-maintained AC is less prone to malfunction and doesn’t require frequent Chandler air conditioning repair.
• During your maintenance visit, your HVAC technician will inspect your system’s moving parts and components for potential problems.
• By taking proactive measures to address these problems, you can reduce the likelihood of an expensive air conditioner repair or complete failure on a hot summer day.
• Your AC system will operate at its most practical level after an AC tune-up. It implies using less energy to chill your house.

Other Benefits of AC Tune-Up.

Decreases Energy Costs

Your energy bills can go down if you invest in AC maintenance. It is because your home isn’t cooling as quickly as possible. A Gilbert, AZ, air conditioner repair specialist will optimize every AC function during a tune-up so that your home will cool off with less energy.

Extension of AC Lifespan

Last but not least, maintenance lengthens the lifespan of your equipment. For continued good operation, an air conditioner needs routine maintenance. The system may prematurely fail and require AC repair in Gilbert if sufficient care is not given.

Greater Comfort

During your maintenance visit, a professional from Gilbert, AZ, specializing in air conditioner repair will check that your system is cooling as efficiently as possible. A maintenance check may identify the issue’s source if your home has cold spots.


Keeping a regular tune-up plan helps prevent malfunctions and decreases the cost of repairs. Tune-ups are a fantastic approach to ensure your home has higher air quality standards. You may be confident that fewer malfunctions will occur when your air conditioner operates efficiently.

A functioning air conditioner will circulate clean air within your house. If you are looking for dependable AC repair in Mesa, Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating can help. Call us at (480) 695-7834 or drop us a mail to schedule an appointment immediately.

Signs Your Air Conditioner Isn’t Working Properly

Your air conditioner’s failure to cool effectively might be more than an inconvenience. It’s not good for anyone’s health if the home is hot and humid, as that encourages the growth of mold and insect infestations.

If you find yourself continuously adjusting the temperature on the thermostat to make the house comfortable, it may be time to have a technician check the air conditioner. Depending on the severity of the damage, repairing your air conditioner may be pricey.

Most Common Signs of Repair in An AC.

Here are six indicators that it’s time to have the best service in Chandler air conditioning repair. Take a look at your system:

Your AC is Noisy

If your air conditioner system is making strange noises, like squealing or grinding, it might need repairs, even if everything else is working fine. Your air conditioner might have something that has come loose. It is a sign that you need AC repair Gilbert.

Lack of Cold Air

Even if your unit seems to be working fine, you’ll know something is wrong when the air coming out of your vents is not as cold as it used to be or isn’t cold at all. It could mean your system needs serious repair or replacement, especially if the compressor has broken.

Strange Odors

Smelling something unpleasant from your air conditioner’s vents could signify that the wire insulation has burned through. If you notice a musty odor, it may be because mold has grown inside your HVAC unit or ducts and has to be addressed.


Leaks around the air conditioner indicate an issue that needs fixing. A blocked condensation drain tube could cause water to gather or leak near your air conditioner rather than a malfunctioning device. Your air conditioner needs to be serviced if you think the leak may be refrigerant.

Frequent Servicing

Keep an eye on how often your air conditioner needs servicing. If you only need repairs every few years, likely, your air conditioner is still in good shape. But if you need repairs as often as you need maintenance, it’s probably best to plan a replacement soon.

Old Unit

You may verify the system’s age by looking at the built date. If your air conditioner system is 10–15 years old, you should consider replacing it. However, you should start planning for a replacement as soon as possible if your system is older than 15 years. For air conditioning Mesa AZ contacts us.

Energy Bills Are High

Unexpected spikes in your monthly energy cost may have something to do with your home’s heating and cooling system. When an older unit is upgraded to a newer, more efficient one, the savings in energy costs will cover the initial investment.

Contact Our Experts.

Do you feel like upgrading your air conditioner is necessary? Get in touch with Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC if you are looking for a trustworthy and reliable crew to replace your system. We also provide an affordable maintenance plan to ensure your HVAC works efficiently throughout the year. Call us at 480-695-7834 for air conditioning repair Mesa.