Central HVAC System

The Comprehensive Guide to Central HVAC System Maintenance: Expert Recommendations

A well-functioning central HVAC system is essential for maintaining comfortable temperatures and good air quality in your property, no matter the season. However, ensuring the optimal performance and extending the lifespan of your system requires regular maintenance and an understanding of the best practices to follow. Proper preventative care can help reduce energy costs, prevent unexpected breakdowns, and keep your central heating and cooling system working at its best.

We will delve into the world of central HVAC system maintenance for residential, light commercial, commercial, multi-family, mechanical, and rural properties. Our experts will share their insights into the essential maintenance tasks and tips that can help you keep your system in prime condition for years to come. By following these recommendations, you can protect your investment, enhance your property’s comfort, and promote energy efficiency.

I. The Importance of Regular HVAC System Maintenance

Investing time and effort into regular maintenance of your central HVAC system comes with numerous benefits that positively impact your property’s comfort, safety, and efficiency. These benefits include:

– Improved energy efficiency: Properly maintained systems run more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.
– Enhanced performance: Regular maintenance ensures your system delivers consistent heating and cooling, maintaining a comfortable environment throughout your property.
– Extended lifespan: A well-maintained system is likely to last longer, reducing the need for costly repairs or premature replacement.
– Indoor air quality improvement: Clean, well-functioning HVAC components contribute to better indoor air quality, promoting a healthier environment for occupants.
– Fewer unexpected breakdowns: Timely identification and resolution of minor issues can help prevent sudden system failures and expensive emergency repairs.

II. Key Maintenance Tasks for Your Central HVAC System

To keep your central HVAC system in peak condition, several crucial maintenance tasks should be performed regularly. Some of these tasks include:

  1. Air filter replacement or cleaning: Dirty or clogged air filters restrict airflow and force your system to work harder, increasing energy consumption and reducing efficiency. Regularly check, clean, or replace filters as needed to maintain proper airflow and improve air quality.
  2. Cleaning and inspecting HVAC components: Regular cleaning of system components, such as indoor and outdoor coils, can help prevent dust and debris buildup, which can reduce efficiency and contribute to component wear. Inspect components regularly for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion to address potential problems before they escalate into costly repairs.
  3. Checking refrigerant levels: Insufficient refrigerant can cause your cooling system to underperform and consume excess energy. Our technicians can assess your system’s refrigerant levels and address any leaks or issues that may impact its cooling capacity and efficiency.
  4. Verifying thermostat settings: Ensure your property’s thermostat settings accurately reflect your comfort preferences and energy-efficiency goals. Additionally, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for better temperature control and potential energy savings.
  5. Assessing ductwork: Damaged or leaking ducts can significantly impact your system’s efficiency. Regularly inspect ductwork for signs of wear, damage, or leakage, and have any issues addressed by our professionals.

III. Seasonal HVAC System Maintenance Tips

To ensure your central HVAC system performs optimally throughout the year, it’s essential to consider seasonal maintenance tasks. These include:

  1. Spring maintenance: In anticipation of increased cooling demands, spring maintenance should focus on cleaning, inspecting, and testing your air conditioning components, such as outdoor coils, drain lines, and refrigerant levels.
  2. Fall maintenance: As colder weather approaches, shift your attention to heating system components. This includes inspecting your furnace or heat pump, checking for proper ignition and exhaust system functioning, and ensuring adequate insulation and weatherstripping in your property.

IV. Professional HVAC System Maintenance Services

While you can perform some maintenance tasks yourself, enlisting the help of our experienced professionals is crucial to ensure the proper functioning and longevity of your system. Our technicians can:

  1. Provide expert preventative maintenance: Well-equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, diagnose, and address potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs or system failures.
  2. Offer seasonal tune-ups: Ensure your system is prepared to handle the changing demands of each season, optimally adjusting components and settings to promote energy efficiency and extend component life.
  3. Conduct safety inspections: Our professionals can identify and address potential safety hazards, such as gas leaks, faulty wiring, or compromised exhaust systems, to create a safer and healthier environment.


Proper central HVAC system maintenance is essential for maintaining a comfortable, energy-efficient, and safe environment in your property. By following the expert recommendations and tips outlined in this guide, you can protect your investment, extend your system’s lifespan, and promote optimal performance.

If you need assistance with your central HVAC system’s maintenance or require professional advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC. Our skilled technicians are dedicated to providing industry-leading services and ensuring your central HVAC system remains in prime condition for years to come. Contact us now to learn more about our heating and cooling services in Mesa, AZ.

Air Conditioner Inspection

The Importance of Regular Air Conditioner Inspections

In the rapidly changing climate of the Greater Phoenix area, air conditioners are paramount to maintaining the comfort of your home or commercial spaces. Keeping your air conditioning systems in good working condition should be a top priority to ensure relaxation, productivity, and better energy efficiency. This is where regular air conditioner inspections come in. From residential properties to commercial edifices, no one is exempt from the potential threats of a poorly maintained air conditioning system.

Regular air conditioner inspections can help identify minor issues before they escalate into more significant problems, ultimately saving you time and money in the long run. With a well-maintained air conditioner, you’ll not only enjoy the peace of mind that comes with reliable functioning, but also the knowledge that you’re keeping your systems running efficiently, which will have a positive impact on your energy bills.

Explore the benefits of regularly inspecting your air conditioning units and how our technicians can help ensure your system is always running at peak performance. This will cover aspects such as maintenance efficiency, reducing the need for costly emergency repairs, improving the lifespan of your HVAC system, and maintaining air quality in your property.

Increase Efficiency and Reduce Energy Waste

When your air conditioning system runs smoothly, it’s able to transfer cold air more efficiently, which eventually leads to lower energy consumption. Regular inspections ensure that all components of your unit are functioning well and identify any areas needing improvement. This way, you can tackle maintenance issues before they become larger problems, and prevent energy waste in the process. Some steps our technicians take during an inspection include:

  • Calibrating your thermostat
  • Cleaning and replacing air filters
  • Inspecting and adjusting belts
  • Checking refrigerant levels and addressing leaks
  • Lubricating motors and other moving parts

With a well-maintained and efficient air conditioner, you can save on energy costs, reduce your carbon footprint, and enjoy consistent indoor temperatures.

Extend the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioning System

One of the most significant benefits of regular air conditioner inspections is prolonging the life of your system. Just like any other appliance or piece of equipment, your air conditioner is subject to wear and tear. By addressing minor issues early on, you can prevent larger, more expensive problems from arising in the future.

Our professional technicians know what to look for during an inspection and can spot issues that might be overlooked by a casual observer. Taking early action can save you money on replacement parts, extend the life of your system, and ultimately, ensure that your air conditioner remains a reliable source of cool air and comfort for years to come.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Many people don’t realize the impact their air conditioning systems have on indoor air quality. When not regularly inspected, air filters can become clogged with dirt and dust particles, which in turn decreases the quality of the air you breathe. Additionally, mold and mildew can build up within the air conditioner, contaminating the air and potentially leading to respiratory issues.

During a regular inspection, our technicians will pay close attention to the filters, coils, and other crucial elements of your system. With clean filters and components, allergens are less likely to circulate within your indoor air, promoting a healthier environment for you and your family.

Minimize the Risks of Emergency Breakdowns

Nobody wants to be stranded in the middle of a Phoenix heatwave with a broken air conditioner. Thankfully, regular inspections can help mitigate this risk. During maintenance visits, our technicians will check for damaged or worn parts, ensuring that they are fixed or replaced before they lead to complete system failure.

Undetected issues can turn into large, costly problems – sometimes even requiring an entire system replacement. By scheduling regular air conditioner inspections, you can rest easier knowing that your unit is well-maintained and far less likely to break down at the most inopportune times.


As we have seen, the benefits of regular air conditioner inspections cannot be overstated. By keeping your unit in good working order with routine professional maintenance, you can ensure its efficiency, extend its lifespan, improve indoor air quality, and minimize the risk of emergency breakdowns. 

At Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC, our skilled and experienced technicians are more than equipped to tackle any inspection or repair work, no matter how big or small. Don’t let the hot Phoenix weather catch you off guard. Enjoy the peace of mind and the array of benefits that properly maintained air conditioning systems bring to your residential or commercial property. Contact us today to schedule your next air conditioner inspection!

central air conditioning

Central Air Conditioning vs. Mini-Split HVAC Systems: Pros & Cons

If you live or work in the Greater Phoenix area, you know how essential a reliable air conditioning system is for maintaining a comfortable environment during the scorching summer months. As an air conditioning and heating specialist, we often encounter questions from our clients regarding the best choice for their specific needs: central air conditioning or mini-split HVAC systems. Both options have their merits and drawbacks, and understanding the fundamental differences between them can help you make an informed decision for your residential or commercial property.

Central air conditioning systems have been a standard choice for American homes and businesses for decades, offering whole-building climate control through a network of ducts and vents. On the other hand, mini-split HVAC systems have gained popularity in recent years due to their versatile, ductless design that allows for localized, individualized cooling. As you read through our comparison, consider your property’s current infrastructure, desired temperature control capabilities, and available budget, as well as the overall goals for your heating and cooling system.

Explore the pros and cons of central air conditioning and mini-split HVAC systems, taking into account factors such as installation, energy efficiency, aesthetics, adaptability, and cost. By providing an in-depth, objective comparison between these popular cooling options, we aim to support you in selecting the ideal system that meets your unique requirements and preferences.

Installation Process and Requirements

The installation process for both central air conditioning and mini-split HVAC systems vary, with each posing its own set of requirements and challenges.

  • Central Air Conditioning: Central air conditioning systems demand a more involved process, as it requires the installation of ductwork throughout your property. This can be costly and time-consuming, particularly if your building does not already have ducts in place. Additionally, central air systems necessitate a designated outdoor space for the compressor and condenser unit, which can be noisy and may affect your property’s aesthetics.
  • Mini-Split HVAC Systems: Mini-split systems, on the other hand, are ductless, and therefore much easier and quicker to install. These systems consist of an outdoor unit connected to individual indoor units, which can be mounted on walls or ceilings. This flexibility allows for installation in properties that may not have the space or infrastructure to accommodate a full central air system.

Energy Efficiency and Operating Costs

Energy efficiency is top of mind for property owners as it directly impacts the overall cost of running your air conditioning system.

  • Central Air Conditioning: Central systems can be less energy-efficient due to potential air leakage in the ductwork and the need to cool the entire home or building uniformly. Additionally, central air conditioning systems might work harder to maintain consistent temperatures in larger spaces, contributing to higher energy usage and costs.
  • Mini-Split HVAC Systems: One key advantage of mini-split systems is their energy efficiency. The absence of ducts minimizes energy loss, while zoned cooling allows you to control temperatures within specific areas, reducing unnecessary energy consumption. Using mini-split systems, you can adjust temperatures in rooms that are in use while conserving energy in unoccupied spaces.

Aesthetics and Space Considerations

The visual impact and space requirements of your air conditioning system are important factors to consider when selecting between central and mini-split HVAC systems.

  • Central Air Conditioning: With central air conditioning systems, the visible components are minimal. Vents are typically discreet and blend seamlessly with your property’s interior, while the outdoor unit can be concealed or placed in a less noticeable location.
  • Mini-Split HVAC Systems: Mini-split systems require the installation of individual air handlers in specific rooms or areas. These units, though sleek and modern in design, are more visible than a simple vent and may not align with your preferred aesthetic. However, the lack of ducts allows for greater flexibility when it comes to installation in smaller spaces or unique architectural layouts.

Adaptability and Customization

For many property owners, the flexibility to customize their heating and cooling systems is essential in achieving the desired level of comfort.

  • Central Air Conditioning: Central air systems cool your entire property through a network of ducts and vents. With one central thermostat controlling the temperature, it may be difficult to achieve individual temperature preferences in different rooms or areas.
  • Mini-Split HVAC Systems: One of the key selling points for mini-split HVAC systems is their adaptability and customization options. With individually controlled air handlers, you can set different temperatures in different rooms or spaces to cater to the preferences of occupants. This makes mini-split systems ideal for properties housing multiple tenants or requiring precise temperature control in specific areas.


Having explored the pros and cons of central air conditioning and mini-split HVAC systems, you should now be better equipped to make an informed decision for your Phoenix property. The optimal choice ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, infrastructure, and budget.

At Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC, our skilled technicians are readily available to assist you in choosing and installing the ideal system for your residential or commercial spaces. Whether you prefer the seamless aesthetics and uniform cooling of central air conditioning or the energy efficiency, adaptability, and zoned cooling of mini-split HVAC systems, we’re here to ensure your investment in air conditioning is well worth the comfort and satisfaction it brings. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to discuss your air conditioning needs and discover how we can help enhance the comfort and climate control of your Phoenix property!

Mini-Split HVAC System

Understanding Mini-Split HVAC Systems and Their Advantages

As the temperatures in the Greater Phoenix area continue to challenge property owners to find effective and energy-efficient solutions for their heating and cooling needs, mini-split HVAC systems have emerged as a popular option. These versatile systems offer unique advantages over traditional central air conditioning and heating systems, particularly for residential, light commercial, and rural properties. With lower energy consumption, flexible installation options, and customizable temperature controls, mini-split HVAC systems are quickly becoming a preferred choice for maintaining comfort and efficiency. Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC specializes in providing these innovative solutions, ensuring that your home or business stays comfortable all year round.

Explore the various advantages of mini-split HVAC systems, and why they make a great alternative to traditional heating and cooling methods. Furthermore, learn more about Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC’s professionals and their expert knowledge in the installation and maintenance of these innovative systems. From single-room solutions to entire homes or commercial spaces, mini-split HVAC systems can cater to a wide range of property needs and designs, ensuring you have optimal control over your indoor climate.

If you’re considering updating your property’s heating and cooling capabilities or looking for an energy-efficient alternative, mini-split HVAC systems might be the perfect solution for you. Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC is ready to guide you through their various benefits, helping you see why more and more property owners in the Greater Phoenix area are opting for this innovative technology. So, let’s get started on our journey to understanding mini-split HVAC systems and the numerous advantages they have to offer for your property.

What is a Mini-Split HVAC System?

A mini-split HVAC system, also known as a ductless system, consists of two main components: an indoor air handling unit and an outdoor compressor. Unlike traditional central air conditioning systems, which rely on ductwork, mini-splits transfer heated or cooled air directly between the indoor and outdoor units. This direct exchange provides increased efficiency and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for a wide variety of installations.

Key Advantages of Mini-Split HVAC Systems

Mini-split HVAC systems offer unique benefits that make them an attractive solution for property owners across various sectors, including residential, light commercial, and rural properties. Some of the key advantages of these systems include:

1. Energy Efficiency

One of the primary reasons for the increasing popularity of mini-split HVAC systems is their energy efficiency. By eliminating the need for ductwork, these systems minimize energy loss typically associated with central air conditioning. This reduction in energy loss allows for better overall efficiency, resulting in lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

2. Flexible Installation

Mini-split systems provide a versatile installation process, as they do not require the construction of ductwork. This feature enables property owners to retrofit existing spaces without extensive renovation or modification of structures. Due to their compact size, mini-split units can be installed in a variety of locations, including high ceilings, walls, or even in tight spots where traditional systems cannot fit.

3. Customizable Temperature Control

Another significant advantage of mini-split systems is their ability to provide customizable temperature control. With a separate indoor unit for each room or zone, property owners can set different temperatures in various areas of their space, creating personalized comfort levels. This zoning capability allows for better energy management, as you can heat or cool the rooms you’re using while keeping unused spaces at more efficient settings.

4. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Traditional ducted systems are more susceptible to collecting dust, allergens, and other contaminants that can adversely affect indoor air quality. Since mini-split systems do not have ductwork, they eliminate the potential for contaminants to accumulate in ducts, leading to a healthier indoor environment.

Selecting, Installing, and Maintaining Your Mini-Split HVAC System

When you’re ready to upgrade your property’s heating and cooling capabilities, working with our experienced professionals is imperative. Our experts can help with selecting the right mini-split system for your space, as well as ensure that the installation process goes smoothly. Some essential aspects of mini-split system planning and installation include:

1. Assessing Property Requirements

Our technicians will evaluate the specific needs of your property to determine the optimal system size and placement. Factors such as room dimensions, insulation, and solar exposure are considered when selecting the right mini-split system for your space.

2. Professional Installation

Proper installation is key to maximizing the efficiency and performance of your mini-split system. Our seasoned technicians ensure that the installation process is carried out with precision, taking care to avoid obstructions and ensure adequate clearance around both indoor and outdoor units.

3. Regular Maintenance and Tune-Ups

Like any heating and cooling system, mini-split HVAC systems require regular maintenance to ensure they perform efficiently and have a longer lifespan. Our professionals provide services such as air filter replacement, cleaning of the indoor and outdoor units, general inspections, and system tune-ups, ensuring that your system runs optimally at all times.


As energy efficiency and customized climate control become more critical aspects of modern living, mini-split HVAC systems emerge as an ideal solution for property owners throughout the Greater Phoenix area. With their energy-saving capabilities, flexible installation options, and improved air quality, these systems are a smart choice for residential, light commercial, and rural properties alike.

If you’re considering upgrading to a mini-split HVAC system or seeking professional maintenance support for an existing system, look no further than Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating LLC. Our team of dedicated technicians is ready to provide expert guidance, ensuring your property enjoys the full range of its benefits. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover why mini-split HVAC systems could be the perfect solution for your heating and cooling needs!

Six Most Common HVAC Issues

This article explains the most simple problems that might arise in the HVAC system and tricks to prevent them from the beginning. 

What are the Common Problems That Develop Inside the HVAC System?

We have made a list of all the problems with their solution to help and boost the AC services’ efficiency: 

• Uneven Airflow and Temperature

A gap in the duct system or loose pipe fittings in the network can lead to such problems. 

Moreover, air filters accumulated with dust can also cause such problems. The simple solution is to replace the air filter and keep a check on the duct system. If there is a small hole in the pipe, the tape should fix the issue, but call Chandler air conditioning repair if it is more than a small hole. 

• Malfunctioning Thermostat

Check the thermostat batteries before replacing the thermostat with a new modern and smart thermostat available on the market. A programmable thermostat helps keep track of all the activities and notifies you about humidity or air quality levels issues. 

• Heat Pump Issues

Icy winds and snowfall may affect the working of HVAC systems which is why covering and protecting them is essential. It may be costly, but it prevents expensive repairs or emergency breakdowns. Also, keep the frost away from the components, which can affect their quality.

• Frozen Pipes

Ice starts forming on the AC and heating equipment due to evaporator malfunction. The refrigerant leak may be the cause of ice formation on the pipes.

• Dirty Air Filters

Dirty and dusty air filters block the air passage, and the components like the compressor and condenser do not get enough air to proceed with the cooling process. As a result, it increases the chances of a complete breakdown in the worst case and compressor failure.

• Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide leaks are dangerous to your family’s health and security. The carbon monoxide (CO) gas is a by-product of the cooling process, and it exits the residence premises from the flue vent. Call the AC repair Gilbert AZ, immediately if you can sense a rotten egg smell.

How to Prevent all the Issues and Protect the AC System from Repair Issues?

  • Schedule the AC maintenance service for heating and cooling equipment before the season commences.
  • Replace the air filter during the season and clean the filter when the season ends.
  • Covering the air conditioning Mesa AZ system outdoor unit has harsh weather that may hamper the essential AC components.
  • It is better to avoid using the HVAC systems at extreme temperatures to provide more comfort and relief.
  • Check the condensate drains and condensate pan for any significant blockage or damaged sign, and call the services to prevent it from becoming a massive problem in the longer run.

If you find any issues in your AC or heating system, call the technicians performing heating and air conditioning repair in Mesa AZ, before the peak season for affordable rates.
Sharp Air Conditioning and Heating professionals are always at your service for all seasons. Call (480)-695-7834 today!

How Do I Know When It Is Time To Replace My HVAC Unit?

Hot weather is the great equalizer, whether you rent an apartment or buy a home. Everyone is concerned about when it will be necessary to repair or upgrade the air conditioners.

While nothing lasts forever, few household system problems are more catastrophic than losing your air conditioners. If you think your air conditioner is malfunctioning, look for these symptoms that indicate it is time to replace it.

Your HVAC system will last longer if it is maintained properly. When you realize your cooling system is performing less efficiently than before or your temperature is not regulated correctly, it is time to replace your air conditioning unit.

  • How Often Should you Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Air conditioners can function for a long time, but they can also shut down anytime. Unless you have difficulties with your AC unit, you should expect to replace it every 10–15 years.

Once the weather worsens, remember to keep up with maintenance and appropriate storage of the unit. Storing your air conditioner in a cold, dry, and less-trafficked area of your home will allow you to reinstall it in the spring. 

AC repair in Mesa needs the services of a qualified technician, so seek professional guidance before replacing your air conditioner.

Five signs that you should replace the air conditioner.

  • Excessive Energy Bills.

Another sign that your air conditioner needs to be replaced or repaired is a rising energy bill without additional consumption. A damaged thermostat control, leakage in your HVAC system’s ductwork, or the air conditioning unit’s age might all be the issue. The AC unit will need repair regardless of the cause.

  • Strange Odors

The smell of an air conditioner isn’t expected to be there. If this happens, there is an issue. In this case, a strong odor might suggest a burned-out wire within the system, while a musty smell could indicate mold inside the unit or in the ductwork. 

  • Strange Noises

If you hear grinding, screeching, or scratching while the air conditioner is on, it might indicate an issue with a belt sliding out of position inside the unit. Contact a professional for heating and cooling in Mesa, AZ, as quickly as possible to prevent further damage to other components.

  • The AC is Not Removing Sufficient Humidity.

One of the functions of an air conditioning unit is to reduce the humidity level in your home. The air retains a little quantity of moisture even under low-humidity conditions. The AC unit needs repair if you sense any dampness inside your home.

  • Air Conditioning Issues are Increasing.

If your air conditioner has required servicing at least three or four times in a few months, it may be better to upgrade it and stop worrying about maintenance.

Get in Touch With the Pros.

If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, it is time to replace your outdated air conditioner. To have one of our skilled HVAC technicians analyze your existing system, contact Sharp Air Conditioning & Heating

Our staff can assist you with AC repair in Gilbert. If it is time for a replacement, our experts can assist you in choosing the best HVAC system for your house. 


Advantages of a HVAC Maintenance Plan

HVAC systems are now required to be able to handle extreme seasonal weather conditions. Apart from this, owning a system also means ensuring that your system remains in good health. This ensures that the system will live a long time and remain in peak condition. One of the best ways to go about this is by signing up for a maintenance plan.

AC maintenance allows your system to be inspected and tune-up when required. This reduces the chances of calling for an AC repair Chandler frequently. The more regular the maintenance is, the better for your system. That is why a maintenance plan is a good idea. 

Advantages of an HVAC maintenance plan

An HVAC maintenance plan applies to both your cooling and heating system and ensures that they don’t wear out or break down suddenly. Apart from including an AC repair Gilbert as part of the service, some of its advantages are – 

  • Helps save on extra costs

A maintenance plan can help save on extra expenses. The idea behind this is to ensure that your system receives a regular check-up to prevent parts from deteriorating or breaking down. These plans also provide various discounts and offer to their customers. Not only does this help improve the system’s efficiency, but it also prevents any issue the system might have from getting worse, which then becomes expensive to fix.

  • Professional assistance guaranteed

Though there are many videos available online that show a person how they can fix their systems by themselves, nothing beats the help of professional assistance. A maintenance plan ensures that your system is seen by and fixed by licensed, skilled technicians trained to provide the best of their abilities. This prevents you from having to call for an AC repair in Chandler in case something goes wrong while you fix the system by yourself.

  • Priority over others

One of the best advantages of applying for a maintenance plan is that it prioritizes others when it comes to having a maintenance service schedule. This ensures that your system is seen before others, and in case necessary, an AC repair Mesa can be provided as soon as possible. This also means that you won’t have to wait for hours or even days to have your system seen and its problems fixed.

  • Provides a service reminder

With how busy a person can be, it is easy to forget to schedule a service for your system. This can cause your system to wear out and lose its efficiency due to periodic check-ups and tune-ups. As regular maintenance is also part of the warranty clause, an irregularity with this service can deem your warranty void. A maintenance plan provides a service reminder that ensures that you have your system checked regularly without any disturbance to your schedule.

Heating and cooling Mesa AZ is a well-known HVAC company that prides itself on its licensed technicians, whose abilities ensure that each job taken is performed perfectly, leaving no room for error. 

You can contact them on (480) 695-7834 or visit their website for more information.